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I preferred to inform you about Spring, and how excited I am that it is here, and that for the extremely 1st morning of Spring, we visited the farm again. not merely as a accomplish result of the simple fact Lulu have been insistently asking to decide les moutons et les poules 1st make air pegasus 89 shoes any difference from the morning each and every day, but in add-on as a accomplish result of the simple fact it experienced been 70 F outside–oh without a doubt it was!–and even although Lulu loves the farm as a accomplish result of the simple fact it is like a enormous playground with funny-aha creatures within it, I locate it healing to decide the animals, smell the soil and touch the grass, and have my boots covered with mud.
Then, I preferred to show you the parsley root parsley fritters I cooked.
The pear and chocolate tart I ready last Thursday when Lulu was in daycare.
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